A recent noteworthy case, Victorian Building Authority v May 21 Pty Ltd and Ors [2024] VSCA 150 (VBA v May 21 Pty Ltd) is the subject of this article given its significant implications on the calculation of the amount of the building permit levy payable by developers under the Building Act 1993 (Vic) (the Act).
Read MoreIn the recent decision of the Victorian Court of Appeal in Thurin v Krongold Constructions [2022] VSCA 226 (Thurin v Krongold), the majority held that the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) lacks jurisdiction to hear and determine domestic building disputes involving the interpretation or application of federal legislation.
Read MoreOn 24 November 2014, a resident, who lived in the 21 storey Lacrosse Apartments in Docklands, left his cigarette burning in a plastic food container on the balcony. Fire quickly travelled up the external walls of the apartment building and everyone within the apartment building was evacuated. The fire resulted more than $12million dollars of damage.
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